Special Editions 2023-25

Wanted: Contributors to my trilogy of investment books

Over the past few years, readers have kept asking me if I will write another book.

Following a year of planning, I have decided to write not one, but three books. They'll be available in both English and German, and one will come out each year:

  • Book #1 (in 2023): Discovering exciting investments around the world.
  • Book #2 (in 2024): Collected thoughts on investment strategy.
  • Book #3 (in 2025): Trendspotting to predict the next ten years.

If you like Undervalued-Shares.com and my reports, you'll will certainly LOVE these books. I want them to be more than just my musings put into print, and I do have a number of ideas to make them extra special.

E.g., you could have your name printed in the books as a contributor.

How come?

Let me explain…

Crowdsourcing insights from a global group of high-calibre readers

My readers have an incredible amount of ideas and expertise. Undervalued-Shares.com isn't the world's largest investment website – far from it. However, it's about quality rather than quantity. I do have the smartest readers around, and I am now getting serious about turning my readership into a more active, powerful yet exclusive social network.

I have come up with a few features that will allow me to tap into my readers' expertise and bring everyone together. As a side effect, you can leave your fingerprints in my books.

Those among you who place a pre-order can take part in some of the books' creation:

  • Prior to writing the books, I will liaise with the group to determine some of the contents. Got an interest in a particular country or topic? If enough of you agree, I'll include it.
  • While I'm writing, I will host several webinars and chat groups to discuss selected excerpts and ideas, and then work the collective feedback into the books. I will take everyone's critique and input onboard for the final version that goes into print.
  • As legitimate contributor, you will have your name printed in the books.

I've got lots of other ideas for this entire process. E.g., another obvious route will be to host one or the other reader event – whenever travelling becomes easier again.

To make it easier for my large contingent of German readers, I'll host these activities in German as well. I'll also pay attention to the different time zones my readers live in.

This is your chance to become a genuine contributor to my books. However, to keep it manageable, I'll open it up solely to buyers of my "Special Editions".

If you don't quite understand yet what I mean with "Special Editions", let me explain.

Valuable, handmade books

There will be an artistic aspect to this entire endeavour, because I want these books to also be an investment in their own right.

Of all three books, there will be a limited number of handmade Special Edition copies. My ambition is for some of them to eventually find their way into professional collections and museums – so that all owners own a valuable piece of art.

To achieve this lofty ambition, I managed to sign up the only man who could possibly produce such books: Gavin Rookledge, founder and owner of Rook's Books in London. Gavin is a master bookbinder who has handbound books for the likes of Prince Charles, Hollywood celebrities, and hedge fund billionaires. He is a man in demand and difficult to get hold of. Luckily, he agreed to become part of this – primarily because he likes a challenge. He feels that this is going to be a book project unlike anything else pulled off before, certainly in the investment industry.

Gavin Rookledge

Gavin will be producing the "Special Edition" collectors books.

With Gavin's help, I have located three unusual materials that these Special Edition copies will be bound in. All books will be historic artefacts in their own right – but only as a set of three will they come together to tell a comprehensive story from beginning to end. I am pretty sure that once the entire story is out, everyone will be clamouring to get the complete set.

I want this to be the Special Edition books to top anything that's been done before. The most exciting materials. The best craftspeople in the world. You name it. As a mere side effect of the entire package, these Special Editions will be almost guaranteed to increase in value over time. They may appear pricey at first, but they are a bargain compared to what's going into them in terms of materials, craftsmanship, and professional effort.

Before you ask, there'll also be a regular version of the books, albeit released a few months later. The regular versions won't give you the opportunity to participate in the creation process, though.

If you join this special endeavour, you can work alongside me.

I've got a lot more surprises hiding under my hat

This is just a first peek at a much bigger project. Over the coming months, I'll reveal more about these books on here. This will be a three-year journey, and one that I want to keep useful and fun at each step.

Who knows, maybe I'll even produce a video documentary at the end of those three years? If you participated in the entire journey you might even appear in it. I've already scheduled the first video shoot when I next visit Gavin's workshop in London.

In any case, these Special Editions will be unlike anything anyone has ever created in the investment industry – both as a book and an overall project.

Does that sound like something you'd like to be involved with?

Then now is your chance.

Pre-order now to be involved right from the start

For now, I am making these books available to pre-order at USD 849 each (plus postage), or USD 2,499 (plus postage) for the set of three. If this makes you gasp for air, just wait and see what Gavin and I have come up with. I might actually increase the price somewhere along the way.

Whichever option you choose, your pre-order will give you the chance to be involved with creating a set of outstanding books, learn something new, network with other investors, and add a valuable collectible to your bookshelf.

If you'd like to be part of this venture right from the start, then now is the time to act.

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