Return to the weekly schedule and outlook 2020

Return to the weekly schedule and outlook 2020
26 May 2020

Next Monday, 1 June 2020, will effectively mark the end of the lockdown on the small island in the English Channel where I have spent the last ten weeks.

As promised, during this time I've delivered a lot of additional content to my readers:

  • Instead of sticking to the weekly schedule, I've published the "Weekly" Dispatches as and when ready. In the end, it wasn't so much the overall number of dispatches that changed during this period, but their level of depth. One was actually a 39-page eBook, while several others were particularly tricky to research, such as the ones about investing in the Wimbledon tennis matches or activist investing in Europe explained using the example of Agfa-Gevaert. Several of these Weekly Dispatches brought record engagement levels, so I assume most of you liked them.
  • My paying Members received three new research reports. This puts me slightly ahead of schedule for the rest of the year.
  • My exclusive club of Lifetime Members received the first of two extra research reports per year that are only shared with them (these reports cover investment opportunities that are simply not liquid enough for my general readership). I am currently in the midst of researching the next such opportunity for my Lifetime Members.
  • I've continued to personally reply to every single email from readers (there were many more emails than during "normal" times).

For most of us, the coronavirus crisis and the stock market crash that followed will have been the wildest experience in our investment careers. Some of the resulting turbulences were painful and costly, including for some of my past investing picks. I am a big believer that there is no point getting upset about matters that are outside of our control. It's a lot better to focus on what you can control, which, in my case, was my writing output and finding opportunities for the post-corona era. The first Members-only report that I published in this vein, about the online platform Fiverr, performed rather nicely with a 87% gain in just four weeks.

Hopefully, you've enjoyed the extra content and found it useful for your own investing!

Going forward, you can expect the following:

  • The schedule of the Weekly Dispatches switches back to weekly, starting this Friday.
  • During the summer months, I am hoping to publish a few Members-only research reports that are particularly chunky. There are several subjects that I had long wanted to write about, but for which timing wasn't right yet or which required an extended stretch of time to work on them. I've used the lockdown to clear my desk, get on top of all aspects of my personal life, and ensure that the rest of the year will be mega-productive. My aim is to deliver at least two of those "Big Ones" to my paying readers by September. Outside of that, I have a long list of ideas that I really want to write about as part of my free Weekly Dispatches. Watch this space!
  • During August, I want to lock myself away and see if I can begin writing a new book. As in, a hardcopy book, to be published in both English and German. At the end of summer, I'll know whether it's feasible or just a pipe dream.

In between all that, I continue to appreciate all the encouragement, constructive criticism, and general feedback that I receive from many of you. I have been lucky enough to spend the entire lockdown in a jurisdiction that has remained free of COVID-19 until today, and where – in light of just 390 inhabitants spread across 800 acres (323 hectares) – social distancing has been pretty easy.

I hope you've all made it through this crisis safely and in good health (and continue to do so!), and I look forward to providing you with a lot more exciting content during the remainder of 2020.

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